DIY crafts for the New Year - a simple master class of the best ideas! Photo description and detailed instructions

After reading a fairy tale, you don’t want to say goodbye to your favorite characters. Therefore, children often ask their parents to tell their favorite story again at night until they memorize it or until they can understand everything that escaped attention before.

Crafts on the theme of fairy tales by Pushkin, Andersen, Milne, Chukovsky, Suteev, Kawabata, Lagin and other popular authors, on the theme of folk tales, are a great idea for relaxing with a baby, preschooler and schoolchildren, unless, of course, your favorite cartoon is shown on TV at that time .

Cheerful snowman made of cotton wool

In further subheadings there will also be a master class on crafts for the New Year. You will be able to clearly master the technique of performing them and present the necessary materials.

You will need the following materials:

  • strong Whatman paper;
  • cotton wool;
  • glue gun;
  • buttons, 3 of which are orange;
  • double-sided blue paper;
  • scissors;
  • black gouache.

What kids can do

Children who go to kindergarten are already familiar with the prologue to the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” which is designated “Lukomorye” in the children’s literature program. Most often, children are struck by the image of a mighty oak tree, uniting a fairy-tale world and inhabited by magical creatures.

Making such an oak tree is a task within the capabilities of 5-6 year old children.

Option 1

You will need:

  • plywood;
  • dry tree stump;
  • moss;
  • branches with leaves and acorns;
  • stapler, saw/jigsaw, drill, glue.

An irregularly shaped oak base is cut out of plywood. The size is determined by the dimensions of the hemp.

A dry piece of wood is attached to the board, drilling through the stand.

Branches are attached to the stump using a stapler, and the surface is decorated with moss. The craft will be decorated with a toy cat on a chain.

The work takes 2-3 hours.

Option 2

A three-dimensional composition based on “Lukomorye” can be made if you use a cardboard tube from paper towels as the base of the trunk.

The tube is glued to a cardboard stand, and everything is covered with a layer of papier-mâché. The dried mass is painted with gouache: the tree trunk is brown, the lawn is green. The oak crown can be made of artificial greenery.

The craft will be completed by a cat - molded from plasticine, plastic, made from Kinder Surprise, and a chain that can be woven from strips of foil, silicone rubber bands or gold wire for jewelry.

The work takes 1-2 hours.

Option 3

It will be interesting and educational for children to make a fairy-tale oak tree from waste materials - what seemed unnecessary will come in handy in their work.

A video master class will help you cope with this exciting task.

Execution technique

To make a funny snowman, you need to do the following:

  • cut out 3 circles of different diameters from white paper - large, medium, small;
  • Using small bases, attach the circles in ascending order to each other;
  • then apply glue to the circles one by one, except for the smallest circle;
  • Glue pieces of cotton wool in small pieces to two circles;
  • use glue to attach the number of buttons you need to the belly of the snowman;
  • make a nose from orange buttons in the same way;
  • draw the snowman’s eyes and nose with black gouache;
  • cut out a thin rectangular leaf from blue paper;
  • wrap it around the snowman's neck, securing it with glue.

A little about the history of cartoons

The first attempts to create animations are known back in Ancient China; even then, craftsmen tried to revive drawn pictures and cast shadows from moving objects using a lantern. The first thoughts about how to draw cartoons on paper appeared in 1906, and a real cartoon with sound was released in 1928, of course, from the Disney studio. A full-fledged color animated film appeared on screens in 1937.

Lush spruce made of paper ribbons

If little readers have difficulty handling scissors. Adults can help you by cutting paper strips. The main method is the usual fastening (gluing) of these parts.

Necessary materials:

  • stripes;
  • glue; cardboard sheet;
  • multi-colored;
  • scissors.

Volumetric Christmas tree on the table

You need thick corrugated cardboard that holds its shape well. There are only two parts - a stable base with a slot and the Christmas tree itself. If you cut a small hook on it, you can hang a ball or bell.


DIY autumn crafts for kindergarten (50 photos)

How to do the craft

Making a paper tree includes the following steps:

  • roll the cardboard sheet into a cone, cutting off excess parts;
  • prepare colored strips, starting from the shortest and ending with the longest ribbons. They can even be with sparkles;
  • fasten the two bases of the strips to each other, forming a semi-oval;
  • In ascending order, start gluing the strips to the cone, from top to bottom;
  • The fasteners should be placed close to neighboring ones so that there are no gaps;
  • At the end, cut out a small star-garland from a shiny yellow ribbon and glue it to the top of the resulting Christmas tree.

Making gingerbread men

A wonderful craft that kids will take part in making with special pleasure. They, of course, will not be able to cope with it themselves, since it is quite difficult to make such little men, but with the participation of adults, children will completely master the creative task. So, mothers, grandmothers, older sisters, teachers, and along with them, kindergarteners - roll up your sleeves! Moreover, both figuratively and literally. Let's start making gingerbread men - holiday products that delighted our great-grandmothers (that is, such a craft is very ancient).

  1. Take a sheet or even several sheets of thick cardboard. Any cardboard will do for this craft, including shoe boxes.
  2. We are looking for a pattern of people. These can be any characters: Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, pirates, soldiers, just a cheerful family, etc. All this is easy to find on the Internet or draw on cardboard yourself.
  3. Cut out little people from cardboard. Moreover, there are several identical copies at once. Better - 2-3 copies.
  4. Glue the cut out people into one whole. As a result, they will turn out strong and plump, and will not bend or break. We are waiting for the glue to dry.
  5. Next, we begin making the “glaze.” It is made from a special mixture. So, let's take:
  • flour, starch, PVA glue and gypsum plaster. Everything - in equal shares;
  • mix all these ingredients. We dilute them with water until they become sour cream;
  • take a brush, dip it in “sour cream” and cover the cardboard men with it;
  • as an option, we fill a confectionery syringe with “sour cream” and begin squeezing the mixture onto the cardboard men, trying to distribute it in an even layer;
  • Having covered all the products with the mixture, wait until it dries;
  • When the mixture has dried, take paints and a brush and paint the little men as you wish.

The end result should be these cute New Year's items. And if you take an awl, make neat holes in them and thread a thread or thin fishing line through them, then gingerbread men will be a wonderful decoration for the New Year tree.

Magic garland of stripes

This garland in the shape of hearts will envelop your Christmas tree like a charm, creating a unique image for it.

Material used to make the craft:

  • multi-colored graceful ribbons;
  • glue, preferably a stapler.

New Year's souvenirs from pine cones

You will need:

  • a few cones;
  • small, flat plate;
  • glue moment;
  • green gouache paint;
  • various examples of decor for decoration;
  • thin white tinsel or cotton wool.

Method of implementation:

  • color the cones green;
  • after the paint has dried, glue the cones to the bottom of the plate;
  • attach white tinsel or cotton wool with glue, thereby creating snowdrifts and grass strewn with snow;
  • decorate the cones with various small garlands, rhinestones, you can sprinkle them with finely chopped paper, creating an imitation of snow;
  • the craft is ready!

Wonderful lantern made of natural material

You will need:

  • any size jar;
  • a candle, sized so that it can fit in a jar;
  • sprigs of pine needles;
  • decorative items;
  • glue moment;
  • cones;
  • matte wool threads;
  • paints;
  • wire;
  • tinsel.

Manufacturing process:

  • place some pine branches on the bottom of the jar, so that some branches touch the sides;
  • place a candle in a jar, preferably with a large diameter;
  • decorate the cones, for example, in the color of Christmas trees or any garlands;
  • wrap wool threads around the neck;
  • tie the dried cones to the neck of the jar;
  • pass the wire under the threads and secure;
  • wrap the wire with tinsel, securing it with glue if necessary;
  • Finally, decorate the lantern with various decorative items.

Idea No. 1. Use a homemade ball

When it comes to New Year's decorations, the first thing that comes to mind, of course, is the Christmas tree and its toys. We suggest starting with a homemade Christmas ball. To make it you will need PVA glue, a balloon and floss threads.

The operating principle is simple:

  1. Inflate the balloon and tie it.
  2. Wrap threads around floss.
  3. Coat the entire surface with PVA glue.
  4. Leave to dry.
  5. Pierce and pull out the ball.
  6. Make a fastening for the Christmas tree branch with a simple thread.

Only fantasy stops further. You can stick decorations/drawings on the ball, for example, goldfish or at least cones with nuts.

Royal snowball

Snowballs will gracefully enhance the design of any room with their splendor. They will create winter coolness, the threshold of a miracle in the New Year.

To make this craft you will need a foam ball, beads, beads, and a glue gun. Glue the beads to the circumference of the ball, then attach a hanging string. Our New Year's mesmerizing souvenir is ready.

The relevance of New Year's crafts made by children

DIY children's crafts for the New Year play a very important role in the development of a child. In order to become creative people with a rich inner world and to study well, various making of beautiful crafts will help you.

The most important thing is the fact that when using hands, fine motor skills are developed, which contribute to the development of the brain. You will also be able to enrich your attention when you imagine images of the future task or its specific details.

Beautiful crafts for the New Year with your own hands will delight your parents, grandparents, and so on, because you put your soul into them, hidden for your loved ones.

The process of creating a simple cartoon

Drawing a simple two-frame cartoon consists of several simple steps:

  1. Preparation of the sheet. A regular A4 sheet is folded in half and divided into four vertical stripes. Carefully cut, you get blanks for future cartoons.
  2. Due to the folding of the sheet when separating, each strip will also be folded in half. One of the inner sides is conditionally divided into 3 parts and a picture is drawn in the middle - the first frame of the cartoon.
  3. The two halves are folded back, the entire structure is applied to the window glass and outlined with the necessary changes for the second frame.
  4. Bringing the picture to life begins by twisting the handle onto the bottom until the bottom picture is completely visible.
  5. To make a paper cartoon come to life, you need to place the structure on the table and move the rod from bottom to top.

Wonderful New Year's paper crafts

Working with paper involves easy DIY crafts for the New Year.

Each time the days become shorter, and the snow-white starry nights become deeper. There is very little time left to make gifts. A great idea would be a simple “Chain” garland consisting of ribbons. It has been known to everyone since childhood for its simplicity and elegance.

You will need: glue or tape, ribbons of various colors and decor. Glue the two edges of the ribbon together to form a ring. Then thread the next ribbon through the finished ring and seal the edges with tape or glue. This way, all the rest of the work on the garland is done.


There will probably be multi-colored fabric scraps in the apartment; it is especially convenient to manipulate felt, which holds its shape well. Try to create a goldfish; its body is sewn together from two blanks, stuffed with filler.

On top it is trimmed with sparkles, the fins and tail are threads with beads, beady eyes. As a result, a very bright, expressive model will appear, although there are quite a lot of variations in the execution of this heroine.

Another suggestion is to make felt fairy-tale characters, stick their figures on Velcro and attach them to cardboard, where there is a blue sky and sun on top, and greenery with bushes below. In this case, they can be moved, changing location, which will especially appeal to the little ones.

It’s a great idea to sew copies that fit on your finger or palm for your home puppet theater.

Patchwork crafts based on fairy tales appear as exclusive panels with painted silhouettes, whose clothing and other details are fabric, cotton wool, and straws. It is not difficult to portray all the participants of the famous “Turnip” or a touching couple - sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

Next, we will make a wreath

For this you will need: double-sided light and dark green and other colors of paper, glue, a plastic plate, items for decoration.

How to do it:

  • cut out the bottom of the plate, leaving only the ring;
  • cut ribbons of colored paper of any thickness;
  • thread the strip into the ring of the plastic plate;
  • seal the edges of the tape with glue;
  • After a wreath of green and other ribbons has been formed, decorate it with various beautiful decorations, for example, a bow, rhinestones, tinsel.


What if we made a craft of characters from the cartoon Prostokvashino? Who doesn't love a fun Prostokvashino?

We all occasionally return there again and again! This is an amazing fairy tale in which all the main characters - without Uncle Fyodor there would not have been such a twisted plot, without Sharik there would not have been so much humor and, even without a talking bird, it would not have been the same.

But perhaps the most memorable hero is still the cat Matroskin. Then we will try to sculpt it.

We prepare: a gray diamond for the head, one triangle the size of half a diamond for the lower part of the muzzle, two gray triangles and two smaller red ones for the ears, three small brown sausages for the hair.

Next, we sculpt cat eyes from white, green and black plasticine. We will also need white plasticine to decorate the lower part of the muzzle. From the resulting blanks we assemble the cat's face.

  • Crafts for Mother's Day - how to make simple and beautiful original decorations and toys with your own hands (130 photos + video)
  • Craft flag - how to make it with your own hands correctly? Master class on making for holidays and parades (105 photos)
  • Eyes for crafts: how to make templates and a master class on making eyes from various materials (100 photos)

We form the body and paws, do not forget about the white limbs. Since Matroskin is a tabby cat, we attach thin sausages of a darker shade of gray to his body.

Well, what would Matroskin be without his signature red scarf? That's all, a resident of Prostokvashino is in front of you!

Cotton pads in products

Cotton pads will help you make a real sketch of winter landscapes. They will serve as an excellent element of snow-white airy snowdrifts, snowy decoration of trees and roofs of houses. They also make great cute snowmen.

Just give freedom to your imagination and then you will get wonderful crafts that seem to reflect the entire winter fairy tale. Photos of DIY New Year's crafts will help you feel the boundlessness of ideas and creative ideas.

Photos of DIY New Year crafts

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