Do-it-yourself kanzashi - step-by-step master class for beginners (150 photos of the best ideas for simple but beautiful crafts)

Man has always sought to decorate himself and his place of residence with beautiful things. At different times, the number of decoration methods, as well as decorative items, has constantly increased. The most lasting thing is the creation of paintings. They are painted with oils and paints on canvas, embroidered with beads, as well as with floss threads and, of course, ribbons, to decorate the interior. One of the ancient handicrafts is considered to be decorating a picture from ribbons in the kanzashi style. This method of interior decoration came from the land of the rising sun, namely Japan. It is a DIY creation of beautiful flowers from satin ribbons. Originally, the creation of flowers, using the kanzashi technique, was an integral part of the hairstyle of the Japanese geisha. But over time, the use of kanzashi flowers has become much larger.

Overnight, when the skills and experience of needlewomen combined with their fantasies, paintings made from ribbons using the kanzashi technique appeared to decorate panels and interiors.

An amazing panel that you made yourself will become not only an attribute of the interior, but also a memorable gift for a special event.

Materials and tools

For anyone who plans to start practicing the kanzashi technique, you need to stock up on a standard set of materials and tools:

  • Tapes;
  • Beads, beads, buttons, bead huggers and others;
  • Lighter, thermal knife or candles;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler or centimeter;
  • Needle;
  • Threads;
  • Glue (it is advisable to take a glue gun);
  • Tweezers.

Ribbon embroidery: how is it useful?

Do not underestimate this type of needlework. After all, he:

  • does not burden vision;
  • calms the nerves;
  • impressive works;
  • unique mesmerizing technique;
  • fantasy and creativity;
  • The embroidery technique remembers royal hands, it is “the fun of kings.”

We can talk about ribbon embroidery endlessly, but it can change and transform life.

How to choose the right ribbons

Satin ribbons are used for Japanese handicrafts. They come in different widths: 2.5 cm, 5 cm, etc. Beginners are recommended to start making the first petals with ribbons, the width of which is 5 cm. It is very convenient to fold the squares needed for the petals from them. However, the components of a flower are not always the same in size, so several ribbons of different sizes are used to create more complex flowers. The narrowest ribbons are used to create a background or additional decor, if we are talking about, say, wall panels.

The photo below shows examples of kanzashi bows and flowers.

  • Satin ribbons have a very beautiful appearance and are pleasant to the touch.
  • They are usually made from silk, and some ribbons are even decorated with patterns or prints.
  • However, even such an impeccable and attention-grabbing material has one significant drawback - the edge of the cut is very loose.
  • Therefore, if you do not burn the tip of the ribbon in time, it threatens to unravel.
  • Also, this is a very slippery material and it will be difficult for untrained hands to hold the smooth petals at first.

Alternatively, it is better for beginners to start with grosgrain ribbons.

Kanzashi panel with crocuses - a wonderful do-it-yourself souvenir

And don’t even think that Kanzashi’s creativity will not satisfy you. I bring to your attention a wonderful master class, repeating which you will receive a delicate kanzashi panel with crocuses - a gift for March 8th. The flowers, which are the central element of the composition, are truly wonderful, delicate and correspond to the theme of the holiday. The color scheme is unusual and fits perfectly into a single product.

- an old computer disk or a cardboard blank of the same size as a round and durable base;

— tire of gold color or any other;

- 15 pieces of gold satin ribbon - 2.5*4 cm;

- 6 pieces of green satin ribbon - 1.2*8 cm;

— 18 double-sided green stamens;

How to make a spring panel with crocuses

Pink, lilac or ivory will look beautiful. Apply thin tape to the rim in frequent rings and run a thin strip of tire along the edge of the circle. At this stage, you can ruin everything with a thick layer of glue. Use a gun and apply the liquid adhesive very carefully so that there are no unnecessary drips.

Perhaps the petals proposed here for modeling crocus buds are the simplest to make. There is no need to make multi-layer combinations or fold workpieces in a special way. It is enough to simply round one edge of the satin strips. Then scorch on all sides, and at the base also gather in a double fold. Despite their apparent simplicity, the finished flowers look very beautiful.

Next, glue the golden details around the circumference and make lilac petals as the outer layer.

Prepare pointed leaves by bringing opposite ends together and cutting diagonally. You should cut with hot metal so that the ends of the tape are held together. You will also need green stamens to decorate the base of the composition.

From below, in the grooves between the buds, glue bunches of green stamens.

The resulting bouquet is the basis of the panel, which is intended as a gift. But you can also attach the base of the hairpin to the back to create a hair accessory.

Complete the flowers with insects, now it seems that they are alive.

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Sincerely, Ekaterina Bogdanova


If you follow a number of tips, step-by-step making of kanzashkas with your own hands will become not only more comfortable, but also safer.

To do this, you need to adhere to some safety rules and keep your workplace in perfect order.

  • First, pay more attention to lighting. Everyone knows that it is better to work with small details in the daytime, when you can get a sufficient amount of natural light. However, not every needlewoman can afford to carve out a few hours of free time in the middle of the working day. Therefore, she has no choice but to sit down to work late in the evening. Of course, table lamps cannot compare to sunlight, although if you try, you can minimize eye strain. Position the table lamp so that you can clearly see the tape and nothing obscures your work.
  • Secondly, when dealing with fire or a thermal knife, take care in advance so that none of the household members inadvertently gets burned by them. In general, it is recommended to keep the lighter and candles as far as possible from the ribbons, since they tend to burn well and quickly.
  • Thirdly, a properly organized workplace is the key to successful work. This rule applies not only to needlework and everything connected with it, but also to many other areas of our lives. However, many people neglect it, but in vain. Place only the essentials within reach; store other materials and tools in the designated place to avoid cluttering the table.
  • Fourthly, complete beginners need to start their first creations, choosing darker and more saturated tapes as a basis. When you first try to twist and burn the petals, there is a high probability that in inexperienced hands the tape will become too smoked and darken in noticeable places.
  • Fifthly, the ribbons should be cut in advance into pieces of equal sizes and their ends should be immediately singed.

Types of tapes used

Silk ribbons are what craftsmen most often choose for their work. After all, they have many advantages: softness, elasticity, lightness. Used to create a sophisticated and sophisticated piece.

With their help it is easy to embroider even the smallest flower with a complex shape. When working with them on both sides of the product, an equally interesting “grain” texture is obtained.

The variety of color palette attracts and fascinates, helps in creating real masterpieces. It is worth saying a few words about the disadvantages of this attribute.

Silk ribbons are capable of:

  • burn out after a certain time;
  • shed when groomed;
  • easy to wrinkle.

However, these shortcomings do not stop the craftswomen.

Transparent ribbons - this attribute is available in solid colors with various shades (from light tones to the darkest colors).

Due to their ability to drape, these ribbons make embroidery a decorative and elegant product. The rich palette gives extraordinary expressiveness. They are a unique addition to working with satin ribbons.

Satin synthetic ribbons - this common material made of polyester or silk acetate is most common among embroiderers due to its qualities.

Distinctive characteristics:

  • rigidity and good strength;
  • high level of moisture absorption;
  • drapes beautifully;
  • long service life;
  • the tapes are not electrified during operation;
  • luxurious color palette;
  • affordable price.

This material is recommended for beginners who love ribbon embroidery.

There are also homemade tapes. Experienced embroiderers personally cut ribbons from silk fabric for their work.

They choose it based on the intended version of the product and cut it on the bias. Quite often, such ribbons are used to decorate peonies and roses.

Homemade ribbons also include components tinted with paints intended for batik.

Light-colored tapes are used for coloring.

Each individual type of tape is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages.

The necessary material for such embroidery also includes embroidery fabric. Experts advise starting to learn ribbon embroidery on a special canvas.

But almost any fabric is suitable for embroidery. It all depends on the plot that you have to work on. Romantic bouquets look more attractive on thin fabric in warm colors.

For large flowers, natural or dyed linen fabrics will be more suitable.

Also in the box there should be simple threads for sewing on individual elements.

It is desirable that such threads match the color tone of the ribbons used. Other types of embroidery thread may be needed.

In addition to the material, you should also take care of the necessary tools. What you need to have on hand:

  1. Embroidery needles. This tool must be extremely sharp with an acceptable ear. They are made of high strength steel. Characterized by perfect polishing. Available in various configurations and lengths. The eye width of the needle indicates the size of the needle. A large ear is an indicator of a small size and vice versa. The run-up is from 13 to 24. It is better to acquire a large number of these devices, as this will allow you to rationally use embroidery material and significantly speed up the time it takes to complete the work. Experienced craftswomen who work with additional decorative elements use ordinary needles as well as beaded needles in their work.
  2. Scissors. When embroidering with materials such as ribbons, it is advisable to use extremely small scissors. At the same time, they must be sharpened. In specialized retail outlets for needlework, you can pick up special scissors for embroidery. Among needlewomen they received an affectionate name - Tsapelki. An excellent option are tailor's so-called “thread cutters”, which are durable, stainless and durable tools. The main thing is to use them for their intended purpose and carefully care for them.
  3. Hoop. The most necessary device for creating high quality compositions. Thanks to them, the fabric on which embroidery is performed always has an ideal structure. This is simply necessary to obtain even seams and stitches. Hoops are available in various sizes, so it is easy to choose the right option for a specific size of fabric.
  4. Special machine. The ideal option for embroidering with ribbons is a special design that is installed on a table or on the floor. In this case, the embroiderer’s hands are free, which will greatly facilitate the embroidery process and make it comfortable and more enjoyable.

It is worth taking care of the availability of:

  • head pins;
  • pincushions;
  • thimble;
  • sewed;
  • small pliers;
  • matches (lighters).

You should start working after fully preparing the materials and tools, since the process of embroidering with ribbons is painstaking, and being distracted by purchasing the missing components is an unpleasant task.

Today it is absolutely easy to purchase ready-made needlework kits of this type.

The principle of creating a kanzashi flower

It is true that the only elements of this technique are the petals. Regardless of complexity, they are divided into two types - round and sharp.

Even from the simplest petals you can create simple and beautiful kanzashi for beginners.

The standard technique for creating a kanzashi flower consists of seven steps:

  1. The tape is cut into the required number of pieces of the same size.
  2. A petal is assembled from each piece, after which its tips and the junction are treated with fire.
  3. If you don’t have a lighter, take candles (you need to be extremely careful with them, otherwise you risk smoking the delicate material).
  4. All petals are collected using a needle and thread. The stronger the thread, the better.
  5. Such a blank is glued with a glue gun to a base, which can be made of felt or cardboard.
  6. A bead is sewn or glued to the center of the blank, which will become the core of the flower.
  7. The petals can be further decorated: coat the edges with glue and sprinkle with sparkles or sew on beads
  8. All that remains is to wait until the work is completely dry. Afterwards, you can do whatever your heart desires with the resulting flower.

No one should have any problems finding detailed instructions and diagrams on how to make kanzashi. Therefore, all that remains is to wish good luck to everyone in their endeavors.

Painting from a bouquet of roses

This master class on making kanzashi panels will teach us how to correctly form flowers from ribbons and place them in the picture. This handmade product will decorate your interior space in Provence style. We will need the following accessories:

  • hoop frame;
  • canvas for painting;
  • satin fabric ribbons;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue gun;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • golden lace;
  • pin.


Festive decor for the New Year - we make decorations using the kanzashi technique

For our panel, you will need seven roses from ribbons. Master class designed for beginners in the kanzashi style.

Insert the canvas into the middle of the frame, it will serve as a base. You can place the hoop on the pillow or use pins, fastening them step by step in order.

Sewing on all the roses and their leaves can occur in a chaotic order, rely on your taste and imagination. But, upon completion of the work, you will have a unique and original painting made by yourself. First of all, leaves are attached to the fabric of the picture, and only then, start attaching roses. Practically, in the end, a vase is created. Based on the diagrams, we cut out the shape of a vase from cardboard and cover it with suitable material. Decorate the vase at your discretion, it could be beautiful ribbons or golden lace. The vase is glued under a bouquet of roses. In this case, you will make a panel with your own hands that will be suitable for decorating any interior of your rooms.

After you have learned the step-by-step steps of creating a painting using the kanzashi technique, let's get down to the main work.

First of all, we draw flowers with ribbons. For the rose we will need a piece of ribbon 10.5 cm long, 8 pieces long, and 11.5 cm, nine pieces long. You don’t have to stick to exactly this number of tapes, use your own discretion. Decide for yourself what flowers you want to make, lush or not. We singe the edges of the segments with matches. Now, we begin to form the buds.

We start by folding the ribbon on the right side and pierce it with a pin. The photo shows the correct actions. We bend it again and fix it with thread, folding it in several layers.

Then, bend the top of the ribbon and fold it into a bud. We fix everything with thread. As a result, you get a rosebud, which is shown in the photo.

Now we draw the petals with ribbons. Take the top and fold it in 0.7cm and then pin it in place. We bend the corner of the tape again and also pin it with a pin. Do the same manipulations on the other side. Take the threads and wind them around the bottom, and then tighten. All remaining petals are made in the same way as described above in the text. If you want the rose to be as similar as possible to the original, then use ribbons for the picture, several tones of the same color. We decorate the completed buds with beautiful beads. All that remains is to attach the leaves to the picture, and the rose is completely ready.


Making flowers from different types of ribbons

A master class on making leaves for panels will tell us how to do it correctly. The main thing is to prepare ribbons, thread and needle, scissors and a candle.

Of course, the leaves will be made from satin ribbons, in various shades of emerald. But, if you have nylon ribbons or organza, you can use this material. Try what will be easier for you to work with, then use it.

We will need leaves with sharp ends, the lower part of which is wrapped with thread. Take a tape, scale 5 by 5. Without fail, the tape is scorched by fire.

Fold what you got in half. Then, we bend the ends from the central part to the bottom. Now this part needs to be flashed. Make sure that the needle catches all layers of the ribbon.

Once you have made the stitches, pull them into an accordion shape and then tighten the thread by wrapping it around the leaf.

After the work has been done, you should fix all the workpieces on the panel canvas. And then look what you got.

We reviewed only two master classes, with the help of which we were able to make beautiful paintings from ribbons in the kanzashi style with our own hands. For this, we made various flowers, as well as petals for them, created using different kanzashi methods that exist. But this is not the limit, there are many other options for petals that are made from ribbons and then assembled to decorate a panel. We don’t make such pictures; we draw them, as it were, with ribbons. For beginning needlewomen, it is better to take a simple master class, where you will create a small number of flowers on a small panel. Such works are found in large quantities on the Internet; you will definitely find a suitable option for yourself. You can even bring in your new ideas for creating paintings.

We use ribbons to draw not only canvases, but also small pictures that will fit well into the interior of your home. They will also be an unforgettable gift for your friends. They will appreciate your talent in the kanzashi technique.

Using your own example, you were able to see that such an activity is not too difficult as it seems at first glance. Having made kanzashi flowers with petals several times, you will be able to get a good handle on creating full-fledged bouquets. After all, in essence, the production technology is the same. Having mastered it, you will be able to start doing more voluminous work.

Photos of Kanzashi

Embroidered leaf and stem

Not only petals are always present, but also leaves with stems; they can also be depicted in different ways. Creating stems with ordinary threads is justified if you need to depict, for example, a lily of the valley or a snowdrop, but if you need a sunflower stem, you will need knitting threads. Thick fleshy stems are made with a twisted stitch. To better hold it in the middle, it is sewn with green thread, it will not be so noticeable.

There is a separate stem option for making tulips. We place green pva, previously soaked in glue, on a needle. After a couple of minutes, we pull out the needle and get a tube that is very realistic and really resembles a tulip.

What you need to know to master the kanzashi technique

Beginners need to know several principles of operation and style. The kanzashi technique for beginners looks something like this. There are a lot of varieties of kanzashi flowers, you can make the simplest ones, and then move on to larger ones, or immediately try to take on something more complex, but you still need to know a few simple principles and rules.

Do-it-yourself kanzashi technique is an excellent solution to spend time usefully and interestingly. It's especially nice to give a gift to a loved one. After all, a work of art made with your own hands is always a pleasure to give. And it’s nice for a loved one to receive a handmade gift.

Tips for performing the kanzashi technique

You can use fabric for training kanzashi petals. Silk bends and takes shape better than satin, but wallpaper makes stunning pieces.

For the first parts, it is better to choose dark fabrics, because light ones can darken when fired. If the technique consists of sharp petals, it is better to bend everything in one direction to preserve the effect of a living flower.

The best thickness of satin ribbon is thick. Kanzashi made from ribbon, the technique of which is very simple and interesting, is liked by both children and adults. Do not cut ribbons with a knife or dull scissors.


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In this case, the edges will be uneven, which will make the craft not very neat. It is necessary to melt the edges only with fire, since heating on a stove or other method is dangerous.

Flower with round petals in kanzashi style

First you need to cut out six identical 5 cm squares on both sides. After this, fold each square in half. Having expanded the square, you can see a triangle in the center, the corners of which are folded. You need to sew a triangle with thread, but in the future you don’t have to do this.

Then you need to turn the petal out so that the stitched ends are in the middle. We cut off the bottom of the petal horizontally and solder both ends together. The technology for one petal is ready.

In total you need 6 identical petals or more depending on the chosen flower. When all the petals are ready, you should glue them in the middle and add a bead or button. Thus, a flower of six petals is obtained.

Painting with landscape and houses with ribbons

Beginners can choose a landscape with houses .
It will be easier to display, since there are many straight lines in it - trees, walls. The design is transferred to the fabric - this can be a prepared stencil. Before taking on the landscape, it is recommended to try your hand at floral motifs, since bushes of roses, lilacs, poppies, and daisies are most often found in the foreground. The background can be embroidered using the satin stitch technique with pastel thread colors.

To create a landscape with flowers and a house, you can use a combined technique on canvas : embroider the foreground with ribbons, and paint the perspective with oil paints or embroider with satin stitch using floss.

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First you need to decide on the fragments that will be made using the ribbon technique , and also determine what stitches they will be made with. Next, the drawing is applied to the canvas. To do this, experienced craftswomen use a large wooden frame, to which the canvas is attached with nails on the sides.

Once the colors have been determined, you can go to the store to buy the required number of ribbons. Typically, summer landscapes are dominated by green, blue, red and pink tones.

Flowers using kanzashi technique for boxes

The box is made very easily and quickly. You can make a box from the simplest and closest materials. For example, you can use a small box, glue a couple of sides and press the lid to them. The box is ready and can be decorated with flowers in the kanzashi style.

The best option is to draw multi-colored patterns and glue a kanzashi flower to the lid. In the same way, glue several identical colors on the sides and add some beads or seed beads. The box will take on a completely different look and will only become more beautiful.

If you don’t have a box on hand, you can use any jar with a lid. In the same order, you need to decorate the jar with glass paints and carefully glue kanzashi flowers. It is advisable to glue a small flower to the lid, because the lid from under the jar will have to be unscrewed.

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