DIY belt made of beads. Do-it-yourself belt (photo) master class

  • 64612
  • 13-10-2020
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Such a popular type of needlework as weaving bracelets from small plastic rubber bands has not lost its relevance for many years in a row. The reason for the demand for this art lies in the simplicity and colorful charm of the weaves. Children as young as 8 years old are allowed to weave rainbow bracelets, baubles, toys and figurines, but often this type of handmade is also enjoyed by adult handicraftsmen, both women and men.

There are many ways to weave jewelry from rubber bands; we will look at them all in this article using the example of knitting the most popular models of bracelets, from the simplest to the most unusual patterns. Also, using the example of detailed photo and video tutorials, we will learn how to weave the most interesting models of bracelets from rubber bands, even if you have very little experience in this art.

You will need:

  • leather or leatherette width approx. 1 mm
  • 2 metal buckles 2 cm wide
  • 9 metal rings with a diameter of 2 cm
  • 2 metal carabiners
  • holniten
  • universal glue (or Moment glue)
  • hole punch
  • tools for installing holniten (within the framework of this MK there were
  • used: hammer, multifunctional universal punching pliers, special metal bat with platform)

If you don't have ready-made pieces of leather, you can use unwanted leather shoes (boot tops are suitable for this) or a bag, cutting them into individual parts. For example, the leather you saw in the previous photo was originally a bag like this:

For clarity, the MK shows the dimensions of the component elements of the belt, corresponding to a waist circumference of 67 cm and a hip circumference of 92 cm. However, these dimensions, if necessary, can be easily changed by increasing or decreasing the length of the corresponding leather strips.

The photo above shows the general diagram of the belt.

20 belts and belts for those who love unusual things

Classic way

The second method was found on the Cut out and Keep website (authors of the instructions Juu & Ros - Operational overhaul)


The guys looked at the most basic, classic harness shape with two straight straps in the front and a Y-shaped back.

Materials and tools

  1. a leather strip 2 meters long and about 2.5 - 3 cm wide;
  2. scissors;
  3. metal ring;
  4. buckle;
  5. sewing materials/glue;
  6. add. decor (rivets) optional.

Original wearing options

Designers waste no time and every year offer the most unexpected combinations with clothes, dressing models from the most prestigious catwalks.

Today you can wear a harness even with casual clothes - T-shirts, casual jeans and plaid shirts. She will add a subtle component of masculinity to the image, hinting at the strengths of the hostess.

The “casual” style provides a wide field for using a spectacular accessory. Harnesses go perfectly with narrow stylish jackets, light open blouses and jumpers. Short leather gloves can complement the look, but other accessories must be used correctly to avoid dissonance. To do this, on many fashion websites there are sections “women’s sword belts photo” or “women’s sword belts photo”, where you can clearly see really successful and impressive combinations of sword belts with various styles of clothing and even with underwear.

Despite the variety of uses of harnesses for the most wonderful outfits for events of various sizes, you should know in what cases you should not wear a harness.

Eighth stage

At this stage, we again use TWO elastic bands at once. Pull them crosswise onto the row next after the last triangle. Look at the photos, they should be stretched between the fifth pegs in the left and right rows.

Accessories to complete your look

Garters are a stylish element of a look for brave and liberated women who are not afraid to express their individuality and sexuality. Such an inconspicuous thing can favorably emphasize the natural forms of the fair sex, placing emphasis on a thin waist or lush chest, and seductive slender legs. The strap system, covering the ankles and legs, will make any look more vibrant and expressive.

Complete your look with a leather clutch or handbag from Piquadro. The company sells high-quality leather products, all products are highly durable and reliable, they will serve you for many years.

We told you everything about garters, described what they are and why they are needed. Decorating yourself in all sorts of, even extraordinary, ways means emphasizing your individuality and uniqueness, showing your special worldview. Don't be afraid to experiment, look fashionable!

How to wear a sword belt

The sling is appropriate in different looks: it looks elegant with casual clothes - a simple white T-shirt and jeans, luxurious - with an evening dress, decorated with pearls. This stylish accessory can both emphasize the ideal shape and elegant taste of its owner, and can easily put you in a puddle when, looking at a lady in harness, nothing but BDSM comes to mind. So, a female bandage is a very dangerous thing; you need to know some rules on how and what to wear it with.

On a shirt

A sword belt worn on a white shirt looks extravagant and sophisticated at the same time. The boring office style “white top, black bottom”, diluted with this daring thing, takes on a slightly piquant shade. A black skirt or trousers will add rigor to the look. However, the shirt does not have to be white: the look will be fun and mischievous with a checkered cowboy shirt, jeans and sneakers, or it will emphasize the fragility of the housewife in combination with a small flowered blouse, a wide floor-length skirt and gladiator sandals.

DIY women's sword belt: turn yourself into an “Amazon”!

It’s not difficult to make such an accessory with your own hands. You can add metal parts to the base of ready-made leather straps. Or “sew from scratch,” that is, make the straps yourself. The shade, size, etc. you need.

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Taming the sword belt

A fashion item is not easy to combine with clothes. What to wear with a sling and how to do it correctly - these are two questions that concern women’s minds. You can demonstrate impeccable taste if you follow a few recommendations:

  1. The black leather option is perhaps the most impressive. However, you need to be especially careful with it. If you want to create a more feminine look, then it is better to take a closer look at white or beige colors.
  2. The sword belt attracts attention. To avoid too much of it, it is better to refrain from combining jewelry with over-the-knee boots, platform shoes, a miniskirt, a neckline, a slit, tight clothes, or transparent outfits. Unless, of course, creating such an image is your goal.
  3. To create a more harmonious image, you should choose a harness that does not contrast with the color of your shoes and bag.
  4. Clothes made of plain fabrics without decoration are the ideal backdrop for this accessory.
  5. A sword belt is a self-sufficient thing. You should not combine other jewelry with it, so as not to overload the already bright image.
  6. Since the item originally belonged to a man's wardrobe, it is best to balance its belligerence with the help of feminine clothing. Due to this contrast, it will be possible to emphasize girlish fragility.

Crafts using special devices

To facilitate the weaving process, special machines were invented that differ from each other in shape, size and number of pegs (rings are strung on them). It is worth considering three main categories of such devices:

  1. Slingshot. Weaving animals from rubber bands on such a machine is as easy as shelling pears. It is ideal for beginners. Slingshots will help you gain all the necessary weaving skills and practice some patterns, since they are practically impossible to get confused with. This tool is designed for creating small figures, and is also convenient for knitting fish tails, snakes and braids.

  2. Small machines. Typically, such tools are included in kits for children's creativity. They make good bracelets and baubles.
  3. Professional. They require weaving skills and allow you to realize very complex patterns and shapes.

The choice of device depends on the experience of the master and the craft patterns that you want to learn how to perform. Of course, it’s better to start with a simpler one, so it is recommended to get the first option to study the works.

Spider on a slingshot

Animals made from rubber bands have already passed the stage, so you can pay attention to arachnids. Using a slingshot it is easy and simple to make an original spider figurine. It can be made in black or made bright, for example, yellow or even green. To make the work easier, it is recommended to prepare a thin hook.

The cute creature is woven according to the following pattern:

  1. A rubber band is screwed onto one horn of the instrument four turns, after which both pegs are connected with a new ring folded in half.
  2. Using a hook, 2 rubber bands are tied into a knot, and three such elements are made.
  3. The loops are removed from the slingshot and thrown to the center of the work.
  4. Blanks with knots are put on the posts, then an elastic band bent in half is pulled on top, and the bottom row is removed.
  5. The loops are thrown over one horn, the bottom layer is thrown off and the knot is tightened.
  6. The rings connected by knots are cut in the middle, this is how the spider’s legs are formed.

The figurine is ready. It will make an interesting souvenir or a bold brooch.

To understand the progress of the work, you can look at photos or videos. This will make it easier to understand the process. This craft is quite simple and can be done very quickly.

Kitten on a professional machine

A more complex figurine will be a kitten, which can be made on a large machine. To make it, you need to prepare red elastic bands for the dress and bow, green ones for the scarf and sleeves, black ones to make the mustache, and white ones for the body.

  1. The rings are folded in pairs and weaving begins from the head. The rubber bands are placed on the device, as shown in the photo.
  2. Then the figure is given volume by adding an additional layer to the side rows.
  3. Ears are made on the right and left, putting the rings on the device in triangles and twisting them with four loops. The lower rows are removed and transferred to pegs.
  4. You can see in the photo how the kitten's body is woven.
  5. It's time for the lower legs. 2 rubber bands are pulled onto the side rows, and then four. The last columns are twisted into 4 loops.
  6. The arms are woven with a regular chain, making green sleeves from three rubber bands. They are hooked onto the first stakes, where the beginning of the weaving of the body is located.
  7. The central posts and the head are connected with transverse loops to strengthen the craft. Black rubber bands are wound around the muzzle, these will be the eyes.
  8. The finished work is removed from the machine, straightened and shaken.

Essential craft kit

Often in art stores, shops and salons, children's departments and specialized boutiques with goods for creativity, you can purchase a special set for knitting from elastic bands, which is called Rainbow Loom or Loom Bands.

Most often, a set for knitting elastic bracelets includes:

  • multi-colored or single-color rubber bands;
  • rainbow machine;
  • slingshot for weaving;
  • crochet hook made of rubber bands;
  • connecting clip for bracelets.

All this will definitely come in handy when creating beautiful accessories.

What is a women's harness

These are intertwined leather belts that are attached to the belt - a mandatory part of a woman's sling. There is endless debate about its origin. Some argue that a sword belt for girls is a child of the military style, implying a combination of elegance and self-sufficiency of a modern woman. Some consider this accessory to be responsible for the birth of the sexual revolution. “Feminine and sexy” is a symbol of a sword belt, say stylists, believing that this word itself accidentally arose in the Russian language, as an unsuccessful translation of the meaning of Leather Harness.

Why is it needed?

The historical significance of this accessory is purely utilitarian and has nothing to do with women's clothing. Harness is a belt for carrying weapons. It was attached to the belt and on a strap over the shoulder, which was held in place by an epaulette. At first, bladed weapons were hung from it - sabers, checkers, broadswords, then a place appeared for a holster. The modern women's version is a catchy, stylish decoration. A women's harness replaces any jewelry - it is too self-sufficient. You can wear earrings, rings, but not big ones, so that the overload does not catch your eye, otherwise the whole image will look motley and cheap.

Third stage

At this stage we will add ONE elastic band at a time!

Stretch the elastic between the fourth and fifth pegs on the middle row. Then stretch another elastic band diagonally, from the fourth peg on the right to the fifth peg on the middle row. After that, put on another one diagonally from the fourth in the left row to the fifth in the middle.

Do-it-yourself belt - master class

1. Determine the required dimensions for future braces. We measure the distance from the central belt loop of the trousers to the middle of the back between the shoulder blades. Using leather scissors, cut the belt to the same length. There is no need to increase the folds, since the length of the folded edges is compensated by the carabiner and ring to which this part will be attached. We measure the distance from the middle of the back between the shoulder blades to the side loop on the front of the trousers. We cut two belts of the appropriate length without adding hems.

2. To give the edges of the belts a more elegant look, they must be cut at an angle. Using a pencil and ruler, mark the cut lines. To do this, mark the middle on the end of the belt (1.7 cm on each side), and measure 1.5 cm along the long sides. Using scissors, cut both end edges of the long belts and one edge of the short one. We will later attach a carabiner to the other end.

Z. From one edge of each belt, use a pencil to make markings for two holes at a distance of 1.5 cm and 6.5 cm from the sharp end.

4. Use hole punching tongs to make holes in accordance with the markings. To do this, remove the handles from the safety lock, rotate the wheel counterclockwise, and install a nozzle with a diameter of 3.5 mm. The dimensions of the attachments are indicated on the wheel. We insert the workpiece between the nozzle and the impact disk so that the markings made are exactly under the nozzle, and tightly squeeze the handles of the pliers until they click. The hole is ready. We make two holes in each belt.

5. Attach the belts to the ring with holnitens, bending the ends inward, using a hand press.

6. Using scissors, we cut off two more belts 25 cm long. 7 We will attach buckles to one side of each of these belts. To do this, we cut off the corners on one of the sides as described in step 2. 7. Mark three holes with a pencil, retreating from the sharp edge of 1.5 cm, 5 cm and 8.5 cm. We use punching pliers to make holes.

8. On the other side of these same short belts we make fastenings for carabiners. To do this, we cut two strips 4 cm long and 1 cm wide from the end edges. We make holes at a distance of 1.5 cm and 6 cm from the edge. We also process the short belt attached to the ring.

9. Insert buckles on one side of the short straps and carabiners on the other.

10. We bend the ends of the belts inward and secure them with holniten.

We also attach a carabiner to a short belt attached to the ring.

11. We make holes in the free ends of long belts at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. To do this, install a nozzle with a diameter of 4 mm on the punching forceps. These holes will be used to fasten the belts with a buckle.

12. It remains to make clamps for the free ends of the belts. To do this, cut 12 cm from the belt blank and cut it in half. We make one hole at each end, installing a nozzle with a diameter of 3.5 mm. We fasten the fasteners with holnitens and put them on the lower belts with buckles and carabiners. The suspenders are ready. Their length can be adjusted depending on the number of holes made in step 11.

Video tutorial on knitting a French braid from elastic bands

How to learn to weave a beautiful French braid bracelet from elastic bands? Watch a master class on making this beautiful accessory! You can weave this lush bracelet, so similar to a woman’s hairstyle, using all possible tools: fingers, a machine, a slingshot, two columns in the form of pencils, and even a fork. The pattern for knitting a French braid from elastic bands is not at all complicated; it can be repeated without much effort even by someone who has never woven products of this kind before. Let's consider the method of knitting on a rainbow loom.

Women's harness: what to wear with it?

Classic military style! A jacket or coat, riding breeches - and a belt on top.

The combination of a white top and black bottom can be somewhat diluted with “intrigue” in the form of an elegant sword belt without any aggressive decorative elements.

By the way, a belt of simple black color and without decorations, but with clear geometric lines, can be worn over a flowing white dress. The result will be romance with notes of aggressive sexuality.

The harness will also fit into the casual style that has become the favorite of many. You can try on a shirt dress or a T-shirt (for the cold season - a turtleneck) in combination with jeans (or a long skirt that matches the style), and on top - a harness.

A belt will become a non-standard replacement for a belt if you use it on top of a cardigan - a voluminous, large knit. Or oversized sweaters.

What to wear with a women's sword belt: the photo shows a variety of images to make it clear to you. By adding just 1 accessory, you can look impressive, aggressive and not go to the fine line of vulgarity. At the same time, demonstrate the features of an “Amazon”, “warrior”, “iron lady”, which is sometimes so attractive to the stronger sex...

The maximum acuity of sensations will be created by a black belt. For greater softness and romance, brown and white straps are suitable. When choosing shoes, it is best to be guided by the color of this accessory.

Just don’t make mistakes that will lead to a failed image. Namely, a combination of a sword belt and other accessories. Remember: this is such a self-sufficient accessory that no bracelets, much less large earrings or beads, go with it. The image will turn out bright and so. Don't overload it.

And yes, a women's harness is the choice of a brave, bright and determined girl. But not enough to combine it with boots, shorts or a provocative mini. Keep the line!


You can choose and buy a women's harness in online stores or order it in workshops according to the selected photo in your size. Stores often offer promotions or discounts; it is beneficial to combine orders into one, since when ordering several items, the manufacturer can offer free delivery by mail. There are accessories of different prices on sale: inexpensive ones made from elastic braid and exclusive ones made to order.


- this is a multifaceted art that changes its trends from year to year, introducing into them both the latest design ideas and notes of antiquity. Today, military themes are considered one of the fashionable trends. And one of the brightest accessories belonging specifically to the military movement are sword belts.

Today we will not only find out what such a detail of the image of a modern fashionista or fashionista represents, but also consider a scheme for making a handmade sword belt. If you think that this is a mega complex and painstaking process that requires high qualifications or super-refined taste, then you are deeply mistaken. However, by the way, this procedure still presupposes that the amateur craftsman has basic needlework skills and a minimum knowledge of style.

What is a sword belt

Before setting out the entire algorithm for making a sword belt yourself, let’s still determine for ourselves why such an accessory is needed and how it is related to fashion in general. So, a sword belt is a piece of military equipment to which a firearm or bladed weapon was attached. This element of the image is a peculiar combination of fastenings and belts.

What do sword belts have to do with modern fashion? - you ask. Yes, the most direct thing! If you trace the development trend of the military movement of the 21st century, it is not difficult to notice that since the beginning of the 2000s, the most bizarre details of military uniforms of different times have been increasingly added to designer clothes from the collection to the collection - these are hussar shoulder straps, buttonholes, and camouflage colors fabrics. The pioneers who introduced handmade sword belts into street fashion are Versace, Wu, Aganovich and McQueen.

Fashionable and bright handmade sword belts made of leather can be purchased at any boutique for a tidy sum. However, those whose income does not allow them to pay several thousand rubles for the presented accessory should not be discouraged, because it is possible to make a sword belt with your own hands at home.

Making a sword belt with your own hands

For the process of home belt fabrication we will need:

— old boring belt;

— rivets or other metal parts (bracelets, buckles);

- scissors;

So, initially you should measure out two equally long strips of strap, and mount them on the main belt. The process of assembling leather parts involves both gluing and stitching; you can also combine these two techniques. Then we take a metal bracelet (or a round buckle) and fasten the straps to it. Thus, the front of our belt appears, that is, the detail that will decorate the chest.

After this, proceeding from the chest to the neck, and then to the back, two more thin leather strips are mounted. The strap fastening scheme is similar to that described above. At the end of our manipulations, you should end up with a cross with a ring in the middle. Next, make a similar ring on the back and fasten the ends of the leather straps to it. Finally, it is recommended to carefully stitch all the gluing points to increase the durability of the handmade sword belt.

To decorate the back of the belt, you need to take a thin belt and fasten one edge of it to a metal ring, and the other to the main belt. It is not necessary to mount one strap; you can attach several or dilute the leather with original chains.

You can add originality and brightness to a ready-made accessory using a variety of rivets, spikes, ribbons and rhinestones. The resulting handmade sword belt can be worn both as a decoration for everyday wear and as an extravagant detail for evening dresses.

At the end of spring, I received an interesting kit for creating a sword belt as a gift from a friend. I tell you in detail about the set itself, sewing, burning the edges of the elastic and other subtleties of the process of creating a sword belt. At the end of the post - a photo shoot in the finished product, and of course, a cat.

To be honest, DIY projects are a kind of outlet for me, a great way to spend time, gain interesting experience and switch from the usual course of things to a new thing. Moreover, the process becomes no less valuable than the result.

What to wear with

In the photos from the catwalks you can see that the women's sling combines the incongruous: along with the demands on style, it is democratic: it can be worn not only with jeans and shirts, it looks equally impressive with a white T-shirt and with a dress, on a coarse knitted jumper and even on outerwear, a harness made of thin belts is organic. In everyday women's looks, it goes well with plain clothes. White or brown straps do not look defiant at all. A long flared skirt, a voluminous sweater, a light-colored belt - your boho-chic look is ready.

With a dress

Eclecticism has long been in fashion, so a women’s leather bandage over a romantic floor-length lace dress will only emphasize the elegance of the owner. A leather decoration embroidered with small beads will add elegance to a little black dress. A beige fitted dress with a black leather belt looks very good. This accessory is made not only from genuine leather, it can consist of small chains and can be embroidered with pearls. Such a belt looks very impressive over a long evening dress.

Brutality, aggression + sexuality

A real explosive mixture! You will get a somewhat defiant look if you add other accessories, also made of leather and with metal rivets, to the sling made of thin leather straps. And the sword belt itself can be decorated with metal fittings, like slave shackles. There can be several straps or just one. Classic or wicker style.

Good luck with your experiments!

Agata Vasnetsova

Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.


For the first time we saw a photo of a women's harness in 2012 - a sling made of leather belts, worn over clothing or directly on the body, somewhat reminiscent of elastic suspenders. Designer Prable Gurung was the first to think of using this unfeminine piece of military equipment in a woman’s wardrobe. Following him, other designers and stylists adopted this accessory. By 2022, the sword belt has become firmly established among fashionistas, who wear it with simple plain T-shirts and luxurious evening dresses.

When not to wear garters: what not to combine with them

Like many other jewelry, this fashionable attribute has its own prohibitions, which it is advisable to adhere to if you want to look elegant and extravagant.

This addition is completely unsuitable for a sporty style - these are completely different directions that look ridiculous together. Also, avoid wearing hip garters over wide-legged trousers. If you want to decorate your calves and thighs, then you need to choose regular shoes, without bright prints and without a textured, massive platform. Too many rough decorative details will negatively affect your appearance.

Now you know the name of the women's harness, which is fixed on the legs; in the photo you can see examples of interesting images. It is important to understand that she focuses all the attention of others on her legs, so women with too skinny or, conversely, full legs need to be very careful when choosing a model. For ladies whose shapes are far from ideal, fashion industry experts recommend decorating their calves and ankles with beautifully woven leather straps and exotic bracelets. This will visually make them more toned and slender, and hide excessive fullness. For thin representatives of the fair half, you should choose options from ultra-thin belts of deep black color. The charcoal shade will make the look soft, feminine, without focusing on thinness.

Wearing thigh guards and models designed for calves at the same time is overkill. An overabundance of fashionable attributes does not in any way contribute to the creation of an original or bright look, but on the contrary, it will make you a very specific and even strange person.

When the style contains other small details in the form of a belt, bracelet, handbag, hoop, then fashion gurus advise that they should be stylistically similar to the sword belt. The Piquadro company sells high-quality leather bags that go well with belts.


I didn’t sew the sword belt according to the instructions at my place, since I don’t have a sewing machine ( previously “at my mother’s”

). This time I sewed from my friend Irina. She set up the machine.

Straight seam 2 mm with upper thread tension 4

In principle, the kit does not say how best to sew. And no one bothers you to sew by hand, because not everyone has sewing machines. But I so wanted a beautiful, even stitch that the “manual” option disappeared almost immediately.

Among the things that are not very obvious for people who rarely sew and which were not in the instructions: before making a machine seam, it is advisable to sweep away the elastic bands. And do this with a thread of a contrasting color. And not sew directly in the place where the seam is supposed to be, but slightly to the side.

If you don’t baste it, the short and rather thick pieces of elastic begin to slide off. And who needs rubber bands that have slipped off?

The second point: when you fasten the fittings in the tape, the seam should lie quite close to the fittings. To sew this on a machine, you need a narrow foot, otherwise it will end up on the fittings themselves. It’s good that Irina had a half zipper foot. She sewed with her.

To make the belt strong, it went along the seams 3 times. I did not use a pedal; the stitching sections were very short and very dense. And I wouldn’t be able to control the process with the pedal.

While adding length adjusters to the straps and straps with adjusters to the belt, I did not understand the description of the process in the instructions and did it as I saw fit. In such cases, you can contact and ask the designer. But I'm in a hurry all the time. According to the photo in the instructions, the result came out the same, but I came to it from a slightly different direction. Everything else was according to the instructions.

It took me about 4.5 hours to sew the sword belt. I will add another 30 minutes to finalize the seams and seal the edges of the sword belt. To be honest, time flew by.

The sword belt is almost ready

As a result, I was left with a piece of elastic about 27 centimeters. And I kept worrying that it wouldn’t be enough. That's enough.

By the way, if you don’t seal the ends of the rubber bands, they begin to fray during the process. There is not a word about this in the instructions.

I don't know how to seal it correctly. I bought a lighter and carefully sealed it with temperature. I did everything in the bathroom, and brought the fire at a short distance. That is, she did not stick the end of the rubber band into the flame, but carefully brought the fire nearby, after first trying to solder the end on the remaining piece of the rubber band. If you bring the fire too close to the edge or overexpose it, then brown marks will appear, and we don’t need them. Of course, it’s probably more convenient to solder the ends immediately after cutting off the desired piece of elastic. But I coped with this task on the finished product.

Belt on yourself


I liked the set. It’s great that there is a designer who has made sets not only for those who want to make lingerie, but also for such accessories. This is a good idea. From what I was a little lacking: in some places I wanted more detailed instructions, in some places I wanted to refine the outcome.

Personally, I found it not very convenient to put the “loop” around my neck. I did this 30 times, trying on almost my entire wardrobe of underwear. If you added a clasp on the back of the loop, it would be much easier and more convenient and you wouldn’t have to worry so much about foundation remaining on the product. It may make sense to add adjustments to other parts of the harness so that it adapts to changes in the body or the way a person will wear the harness (can be naked, with underwear or, for example, over a T-shirt). But again, no one is stopping the buyer from modifying the model to suit his personal needs.

And now the most important part of the review – photographs of yourself. Idea and implementation - from Irina Amosova | @awosoma (mask, process photos above are also from her). Style together.

2015-03-23 13:00:00

How to make a women's belt with your own hands?

First he will give you step-by-step instructions. It is best to make this accessory on a mannequin, another person or your loved one. You also need an old belt. And for a somewhat unexpected and extravagant look, you can use thin metal bracelets, straps, and accessories from unnecessary old handbags. Separate them from the previous fastenings.

Also stock up on scissors, glue, and a needle and thread in color.

You will have 1 main, main waist belt. Attach it to a base (a mannequin, another person or yourself - it’s not so convenient). Now measure out two strips of leather and attach them to the main belt. Mandatory - they must have equal lengths and be at equal distances from each other. You can glue them, or you can sew them. Or to be on the safe side, do everything at once.

Now take the bracelet and attach these straps to it in the chest area. This will be the front part. From it along the neckline and then further along the back there should also be two similar strips of leather straps. For example, in this and the previous cases, these will be bag straps, since making a women's belt from them is the most economical option.

So, you have a cross in front, and a metal bracelet ring in the middle. Make a ring at the back too, attach the ends of the strips to it. At the back, you can take 1 thin strap and fasten it one from the bottom of the ring to the waist belt. In principle, there is complete freedom of choice in the quantity and design of these straps. It all depends on your imagination.

You can glue everything first, then sew it on. And decorate the base made in this way with various elements. We’ll talk about their choice below, when we decide what image you want to embody.

Ninth stage

Now take ONE elastic band, and fold it twice into a figure eight, you will get an elastic band in THREE rows, i.e. like a triple “O” on a finger. Place it on top of the last peg in the left row.

Add another elastic band in the same way to the last peg on the right row.

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