What can be made from an old TV: 10 useful ideas

Place for a pet

All cats love enclosed spaces - it helps them cope with daily stress. To get a stylish house for your pet, just remove the internal parts, close one of the fiberboard walls and provide the lower part of the product with soft bedding.

You can decorate it at your discretion - wallpaper, self-adhesive, paint. A larger TV can be used as a bed for a small dog.

Bird feeders

A small country TV can become an interesting thing - a bird feeder. In this case, you need to remove the kinescope from it and take out the electronic components, as well as other parts. Then you need to cover the inside of the product with any panels and place it in a visible place. You can put any food inside. Birds are unlikely to ignore such a convenient feeding device.

Mini bar

If you want to please your guests, do it with taste - they will surely love such a stylish piece of furniture. To decorate the minibar, we recommend using not only lighting, which will add picturesque reflections to the glass, but also a mirror on the back wall of the TV.


If there is a girl in the family, she will probably like the idea of ​​moving Barbie or other dolls into a new beautiful house. To do this, you don’t have to spend money on buying a ready-made store-bought toy. If you have an unnecessary TV, you can make a house yourself. You need to proceed in the same way - completely clear the product of its contents, replace the back with a piece of fiberboard, and then finish the TV in any suitable way.

For the floor in the house you can use a piece of linoleum, for carpets - pieces of fleecy fabric, for walls - wallpaper or self-adhesive film. Toy furniture is made from matchboxes covered with colored paper. The bathroom fixtures will look realistic if you cut them out of foam and the mirrors out of foil. Excellent curtains are made from scraps of tulle on wire cornices. Kids can draw pictures for the house themselves, and glued strips of cardboard will serve as a frame for them.

Room box

An old TV is perfect for lovers of an unusual hobby - creating large-scale miniatures in the form of living rooms. “Doll Houses” are not intended for children: this composition is designed to decorate the interior, forcing you to carefully examine the small details. In combination with a TV and lighting, this decorative element looks truly impressive.

From an old TV to a new one with your own hands

This idea is for those who do not want to part with their old TV. But if you are already tired of watching films and programs on a faded kinescope, then a simple solution is offered. Install a modern LCD TV instead of the old kinescope. This is easy to do with your own hands if you choose a panel of the appropriate size.


Another idea for connoisseurs of original crafts. Typically, dioramas are made using cardboard boxes, but by creating a diverse composition on a real TV, you will definitely capture the imagination of observers. This is the very case when you can show your imagination by depicting any scene from a movie, a sketch from life, or just a landscape.

Possibility of using hotel TV parts

The options for further use of a faulty TV are not limited to the lamp alone. After all, it contains many useful parts that can be used.

  • You can use radio channels as an all-wave receiver .
  • The metal back housing perfectly conducts, distributes and dissipates heat. Therefore, it can be used to make an energy-efficient infrared heater. To do this, you will need to connect a carbon heating cable for underfloor heating to it.
  • The brown board can be re-soldered and used as an element of an audio amplifier .


Using this example, we will tell you what stages of work you will encounter when using a TV as a source material for any of the crafts.

  1. Getting started is always the same: we disassemble the device, starting from the back wall. Carefully remove the internal electrical components, trying not to damage anything:

  2. We are especially careful with the screen. We remove everything that might interfere in the future, including separators and switches if they go deep inside:

  3. We measure the body and select the aquarium according to the dimensions. It is important to leave room for the filter, pump and light:

  4. We install the necessary equipment:

  5. Making holes for the wires:

  6. Set up the aquarium:

  7. We fix the back wall, cut from plywood, using furniture hinges. It can be decorated as you wish.

  8. The TV aquarium is ready.

As you can see, even from old TVs you can make decent furnishings. Think over the design of the product in advance, implement the idea “conscientiously” - and as a result you will receive an exclusive and useful item.

Brightness adjustment

Having read in the datasheet for the backlight chip what the controller expects from us on the DIM channel (I hoped that I would just get by with a resistor), I was disappointed - it is there waiting for a PWM signal, the duty cycle (part of the time when the signal is present) determines the brightness. On the same Ali, inexpensive PWM controllers were purchased: https://aliexpress.com/item/item/32953823579.html Even in the photo, an experienced eye would notice that their positive output is connected to the input, and the PWM is on the negative one, which me didn't suit me at all. What a pity that I realized this only after receiving the boards. But, having carefully measured the signal at the “negative” terminal, I was happy: it gave a normal PWM signal with the amplitude of the incoming voltage! Moreover, when turned off (and there is a twist with a click), the incoming voltage was supplied to the negative terminal! Those. I got a switchable brightness signal. This is what it looks like in real life:

As you can see, all the controls are located where the entrances used to be. For the on button, I widened the hole in the USB connector, and the brightness control fit into the coaxial input without adjustment. Everything was secured and insulated with pieces of fabric tape that used to hold the standard wires.

Where is tantalum located in a kinescope?

HZ where is the tantalum

they take palladium in the same purchases as gold and silver.
There is a winding and a copper busbar or wire around the screen. To do this, you do not need to break the kinescope
On top of the cathode ray tube at the rear around the perimeter is
a demagnetization loop.

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A wooden “frame” from a TV will look good as a bookshelf. Clean it, paint it, if the size of the TV allows, install an additional horizontal shelf inside. You can add loops at the back so that the shelf can be hung on the wall. And you will get a nice and somewhat ironic bookshelf.

Flowerbed or flower box

An original, eye-catching flower box can be made from any case. Paint it, if its dimensions allow, turn the screen up (the screen itself, of course, must be removed) and fill it with soil and plants.

Sculptures for the garden from waste material

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