How to make a snowmobile - step-by-step description of how to build a vehicle with your own hands (105 photos + video)

Wood frame

The basis of a snowmobile made from a walk-behind tractor will be its frame, which can be made of different materials. One of the most popular options for creating a frame is wood.

Wooden blocks are perfect for the structure, as they are light and at the same time very durable. In addition, you can find the right amount of timber in the yard. Essentially making a frame means assembling a sled for a snowmobile.

If there is no or not enough wood on the site, its cost is not very high. In order to make a frame from wood, in addition to timber, you will need the following: iron in sheets, a metal cutter, a drill, drills, bolts, nuts, a saw.

In order to rid the frame of burrs and make it as smooth as possible, you will need sandpaper or a sanding attachment on a drill.

A homemade snowmobile made of wood has many advantages over other models except lightness. It is very easy to repair such a frame not only at home, but also on the road, because the material can be found in any forest belt.

This option is unlikely to fall through the ice, and if this happens, it will stay afloat.

Communities › Kulibin Club › Blog › DIY snowmobile

The construction began with the manufacture of the frame:
The frame was assembled and welded from a profile pipe according to our own drawings.

Were purchased:

engine, caterpillar, rollers, driven and drive shafts with sprockets, drive and driven variators (drive variator “Safari”).

After this, the assembly of the chassis began:

The build process has begun:

Installing a driven variator with a belt on the frame.

Assembling the front suspension, installing the engine and adjusting the variators. The engine is mounted on rubber mounts for less vibration.

All components and assemblies were installed in their places, after which the production of the skins began:

The engine compartment linings are made of plastic (polypropylene).

The seat is made on a metal frame with soft padding and covered with artificial leather.

And here he is, handsome! Standing in the yard and waiting for snow

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