“Making the Tree of Goodness” LESSON SUMMARY Kalinina NM

What summer crafts can be made for Children's Day for a kindergarten or school camp?

Children's Day is a holiday designed to help people around the world remember how important it is to care and love children. On this day, it is customary to organize various competitions and entertainment in city squares, in houses of culture and children's creativity. Many city authorities present gifts, both sweet and necessary.

The Children's Protection holiday is very important and therefore should be given special attention in any educational institutions, for example, in kindergartens and schools. Children's Day is celebrated on June 1, and at this time special “short-day” camps are opened at schools, and kindergartens still continue to operate.

Crafts that adults can do with children on this day help “little individuals” learn about their importance in this world, feel attention and get pleasant emotions. Crafts on this occasion can be presented at an exhibition, given to parents or used for decoration.

Crafts can be different: large, small, voluminous, flat, decorative, hanging, soft toys and much more. You can make toys, framed pictures, drawings and much more from:

  • Wood, plywood and cardboard
  • Plain, colored, corrugated paper
  • Plastic bottles and cans of different diameters
  • Natural materials: cones, acorns, leaves, branches, coffee beans, straw, citrus peels, cinnamon sticks and much more.
  • Available materials: corks, caps, ice cream sticks, plastic dishes, pasta and much more.
  • Plasticine is a classic creative material for young children.
  • Fabrics and felt, cotton wool - if we are talking about dolls and soft toys.

IMPORTANT: The craft must have something to do with the child: a happy family, home, playground, toys, balloons and other ideas.

Crafts for children and children's crafts for Children's Day

List of good deeds for preschoolers

Kids do good deeds, imitating adults. They learn and often make mistakes. You should never scold or punish if the child does not want to do a good deed. Do it yourself, lead by example. And encourage your child to do good deeds with words, not punishments.

Good deeds - for every age

So, here is the list of good deeds for preschoolers:

  • Remove toys and thereby help parents;
  • Collect trash and help parents and older siblings clean up;
  • Feed homeless animals;
  • Participate in the creation of a birdhouse or feeder, and then take out crumbs and cereals to the birds every day;
  • Water flowers and plants in flower beds;
  • Participate in planting seedlings;
  • Give (only if he himself has expressed a desire) toys and things to needy children;
  • Wipe the dust;
  • Hold the doors.

As soon as you see that your child has done a good deed, praise him. Be sure to emphasize that a good deed is a noble deed, and its implementation makes your soul warmer.

Paper crafts on the theme of summer, happiness, kindness, for Children's Day - posters, applications: photos

Paper is the simplest and most accessible material for work that children love. Paper can be easily purchased at a stationery store, where the variety of choices is simply impressive: colored, holographic, glitter, velvet, matte glossy, corrugated, cardboard and much more.

Before you start work, you should clearly understand in your head what exactly you will do with your child: a postcard, a painting, a wall decoration, a three-dimensional image, a toy. You should stock up not only with an abundance of paper colors, but also with scissors, glue, and decorative materials (if required).

Here, for example, is a simple and easy decoration for your home, wall, or street. You can hang it anywhere, the bright colors are pleasing to the eye, and you can place not just a smiley face, but any picture, as well as your photograph. The craft is based on a cardboard circle, which should be covered with folded strips of colored paper or quilling paper.

"Chamomile" made of colored paper

A sun drawn in an unusual way is a popular creative idea for Children's Day. The secret of this craft is that the rays are made from the children’s circled fingers, and therefore we can safely say that a piece of the child himself is “hiding” in such a craft.

DIY paper craft: sun

A poster is another creative idea. Such a poster can be hung to decorate the walls and give a special festive mood to those around you. The sun is a symbol of “Children's Day”, and the words from the song “let there always be sun” are suitable in this case like nothing better.

Children's Day Poster

Older children can make a more complex poster; here’s an option for the craft - a poster with three-dimensional figures of a boy and a girl. These characters symbolically hold the planet in their hands, as if hinting that “the world is in the hands of children.”

Children's Day Poster

Another version of the poster for Children's Day

Unusual picture for the wall: paper craft for Children's Day

INTERESTING: “Children are the flowers of life.” Almost everyone knows this expression and therefore it is not at all surprising that a child is associated with flowers. You can decorate everything around with paper flowers: trees, walls, rooms, and the “heroes” of the holiday themselves.

List of good deeds for elementary school

As soon as the child becomes a schoolchild, the list of good deeds expands significantly. Parents begin to introduce the student to this list, and a detailed analysis takes place at school. To begin with, the teacher gives homework - write a list of good deeds. And then, during the lesson, the children voice their lists, sorting out good deeds and supplementing their lists with deeds from the lists of their classmates.

An example of lesson work on the assignment “List of Good Deeds”

We have prepared a basic list of good deeds for schoolchildren:

  • Do some light cleaning in the classroom, at home, at the home of an elderly lonely neighbor;
  • Wash the floor and free up time for mom;
  • Clean the kitchen and wash the dishes;
  • Hang laundry after washing;
  • Water flowers at school and at home. Water the flower beds at the entrance;
  • Take out the trash;
  • Help parents and single neighbors with small purchases;
  • Pick up parcels from the post office;
  • Pull out weeds in the summer cottage, in the flower bed around the house;
  • Organize or participate in a cleanup event;
  • Feed homeless animals, organize warm shelters for the winter with elders;
  • Clean up the entrance;
  • Collect garbage and throw it into trash cans on the street;
  • Organize and participate in the construction of bird feeders and birdhouses;
  • Make a snow slide for the little ones;
  • Wash the swings and benches on your playground;
  • Plant flowers, bushes, trees. Water and care for them;
  • To cheer up someone who is sad;
  • Take on some of the weekend responsibilities in order to quickly organize leisure time with your parents;
  • Prepare breakfast for parents and please them with aromatic tea or coffee;
  • Prepare a surprise for friends, teachers, grandparents, parents;
  • Make an announcement with good wishes and post it on notice boards;
  • Smile and wish you a good day!
  • Say hello when entering shops, cafes, educational institutions;
  • Tell your family that they are loved and always welcome at home;
  • Make peace with those you don't like. You don’t have to be friends, but show that you don’t hold a grudge against them;
  • Move grandma across the road;
  • Give compliments to lift your spirits;
  • Charge others with a good mood;
  • Become a mentor to a child in need of help;
  • Organize a party for the kids you know.

As you can see, there are many opportunities for every age to do a good deed. Take this opportunity and give back! The more such people in the world, the more interesting life is!

Drawing for fifth graders, option No. 1

Everyone needs care, from the smallest to the giant living creatures. In the drawing, dedicated to the topic “Good Deeds,” you can depict a girl giving an apple to a whale. To create such a picture you will need watercolor pencils, a brush with soft bristles and a container of clean water.

Drawing “Good deeds”

How to draw:

  • Using a simple pencil, draw the shape of the shore.
  • Mark the water level with a horizontal line.
  • On the shore, depict a girl kneeling and stretching out her hands to the whale.
  • Draw elements of clothing, design the face, add hair.
  • Draw an apple in your hands.
  • Draw a whale in the water. His nose should protrude slightly above the surface of the water.
  • Draw the grass on the shore.

  • Draw holes in the ground, as well as stones, silhouettes of precious objects and animal remains (skull, bones).
  • Shade the sky and water with a blue pencil.
  • Paint the upper part of the whale blue.
  • Shade the girl's pants.
  • Wet the brush in water and blur the strokes.
  • Dry the drawing.
  • Color the ground with a brown pencil.
  • Shade the girl's hat and hair.

  • Blur the strokes with water.
  • Dry the drawing.
  • Use a green pencil to color the grass.
  • Paint the girl's face and hands with beige. Blend the strokes with a cotton swab.
  • Color the apple with a red pencil.
  • Using a black pencil, draw stripes on the girl’s vest, and also highlight the holes underground using cross-hatching.

Trace all the elements of the picture along the contour. Draw small details.

High School Good Deed List

During the period when a child becomes an adult, he still has a lot of free time, but there are no adult responsibilities yet - the golden time to do good deeds.

So, a list of good deeds for teenagers:

  • Become a volunteer and collect things, gifts, books for orphanages and boarding schools;
  • Organize with activists the care of homeless animals;
  • When working with adults, organize help for the homeless. Try to improve their lives by organizing help from social services;
  • Give a book to a stranger. For example, a bored child in transport or a sad schoolchild during recess;
  • Drive while standing, giving way to a pregnant woman or an elderly person;
  • Organize support for lonely neighbors. This could be small purchases, cleaning, or even basic TV channel setup;
  • Queue as a gift. For example, stand in line at the circus, and when the turn comes, give it to those who are standing at the very end. Parents with babies in their arms can especially appreciate this magic!
  • Show the way, escort across the road;
  • Organize and supervise assistance to nature. For example, once a week, walk through the park with a bag, picking up trash and beautifying the area;
  • Plant seedlings, flowers, shrubs. Offer help in greening the city to the city council and become a volunteer;
  • Visit orphanages as an animator and arrange a holiday for the children;
  • Be on duty at school out of turn.

The list of high school students can be continued endlessly. Do good deeds and make the world a better place!

And finally, a video about good deeds.

Drawing for first graders, option No. 2

The theme “Good deeds” when creating a drawing can be summarized by depicting the planet Earth with a happy face, a dove and a bright sun in the picture. Such a drawing must be supplemented with a slogan on the topic.


  • “Good rules the world!”;
  • “All people should treat each other kindly!”;
  • “Good deeds are the key to the happiness of all mankind!”

To create such a drawing you will need a set of colored pencils (at least 6 colors), as well as a blue, red and black felt-tip pen.

How to draw:

  • Place a sheet of A4 paper horizontally in front of you.
  • Using a simple pencil, draw a semicircle at the bottom of the sheet, placing it in the center of the edge.
  • Draw another semicircle on top, a smaller one.

Drawing “Good deeds”

  • Planet to finish drawing hands.
  • Draw continents.
  • Paint on the sun's rays.
  • Above the planet, draw the silhouette of a flying dove with a branch in its beak.
  • Write a slogan.
  • Use an eraser to erase extra lines.
  • Use a blue pencil to shade the water on Earth.
  • Color the continents using a yellow, green and brown pencil. In some places you can draw large lakes and seas in blue.

  • Color the hands of the planet with a blue pencil.
  • Color the sun bright yellow.
  • Apply short strokes along the contour of the bird's silhouette with a brown pencil. Trace the dove, pressing the pencil firmly onto the paper to create a bright, bold line.
  • Use a blue felt-tip pen to outline the planet and continents.
  • Circle the letters of the slogan.

Using a black felt-tip pen, draw 2 large, round eyes on the Earth. Use a red felt-tip pen to draw a smiling mouth.

Drawing for children in 4th grade, option No. 2

A drawing on the theme “Good Deeds” can be done by illustrating the plot of a story or fairy tale where the characters performed good deeds. You can draw Mazai saving hares on a boat. To complete this work you will need gouache, a black felt-tip pen and a set of art brushes.

Drawing “Good deeds”

How to draw:

  • Using a simple pencil, draw the shore with 2 smooth parallel lines.
  • Draw houses and bushes on the shore.
  • Draw a boat in the center of the bottom of the picture.
  • Depict Mazai and the hares sitting in the boat.
  • Design the faces of the characters.
  • Draw an oar in Mazai's hand.
  • Dilute brown gouache with 2 drops of water. Paint over the shore.

  • Dilute blue paint with water in equal parts. Paint over the water.
  • Dry the drawing.
  • Paint the houses on the shore, as well as the hares, with gray color. The cheeks and chests of the animals should remain white.
  • Mix brown gouache with yellow. Using a hard-bristled brush, paint the front wall of the boat, making horizontal strokes.
  • Use brown to paint the back of the boat, as well as the oar.
  • Mix orange with white in a 2:1 ratio. Paint over grandfather's face and hands.
  • Paint the header black.

  • Paint the scarf with pink paint, and the sweater with green paint.
  • Mix blue paint with a drop of black. Dilute the resulting shade with water. Using a thin brush with soft bristles, paint waves on the water.
  • Mark the shadow under the boat and under the oar.
  • Take a thick brush with hard bristles. Dip it in white. Using pin movements, depict fog above the surface of the water.
  • Use brown paint to outline the bushes on the shore.

When the drawing is dry, use a black felt-tip pen to trace all the details of the picture along the outline. Select the boards on the boat and draw mustaches for the hares.

Drawing for children in 3rd grade, option No. 1

A drawing with the theme "Doing Good" can reflect the importance of caring for animals. Sheltering and feeding a small kitten is one of the most serious and kind deeds a person can do. To create such a drawing you will need a set of colored pencils consisting of 6 colors.

Drawing “Good deeds”

How to draw:

  • Using a simple pencil, in the center of the sheet, draw an oval kitten's head.
  • Draw his ears.
  • Create a face.
  • Draw a hand holding a kitten.
  • On the left side of the sheet, draw a hand holding a bottle.
  • Finish drawing the pacifier.
  • Use an eraser to erase extra lines.
  • Shade the kitten's head without pressure, using horizontal lines.
  • Pressing the pencil a little harder, draw stripes on the kitten’s head.

  • Use a blue pencil to fill in the background using cross hatching.
  • Paint the sides of the bottle with horizontal lines.
  • Use a yellow pencil to paint over the pacifier.
  • Shade the bottom of the bottle and the cap with green.
  • Use a pink pencil to paint over the kitten's nose.
  • Shade the hands with cross lines using a brown pencil.

Trace the outline of the picture with a black pencil. On the right side of the sheet write the slogan: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” To create an inscription, you can use a felt-tip pen of any color.

Design of the folder “Piggy Bank of Good Deeds”

Veronica Parfenova
Design of the folder “Piggy Bank of Good Deeds”

There are many ways “ Treasury of Good Deeds folder . Typically, the folder contains gratitude for parents’ participation in various activities in kindergarten or in a group. I publish this information on my website in the “Thank you” section, so we didn’t want to repeat ourselves. We decided to go a different route.

Since our group is called “Polyanka,” we chose a green folder and decorated it with flowers .

The same flowers were cut out of white and yellow paper.

The names of our students' families were printed on colored sheets of paper. For each task we paste in a flower. It is important to sign for what cause. For example: for ribbons, the “Autumn Basket” competition, etc.

— each family accumulates its own clearing of good deeds ;

- children are very happy when we praise their parents;

— parents are encouraged to be no worse than others;

-The activity of each family is very well traced.

And two more positive points.

Such a folder can be made quickly, spending a minimum of money.

Didactic game “Healthy Piggy Bank” The game was compiled and produced by a group of teachers from the MDOU “Kindergarten “Fairy Tale” in Nadym” Authors: Zhilina Tatyana Gennadievna, senior teacher. Photo report “A Piggy Bank of Good Deeds” The interaction between our kindergarten and family is based on the cooperation of teachers and parents. I am very grateful to my group parents. A collection of speech therapy finds and ideas. I have been working as a speech therapist for 8 years and all this time I have been learning something new, but I want to know and, most importantly, be able to do even more! I have a separate one in kindergarten.

Piggy bank of the teacher's poems Piggy bank of the teacher's poems “Golden grain” The sun is shining brightly and the grain is ripe, But the grain is not simple, everything in the spikelets is golden.

My pedagogical piggy bank To provide the necessary material for planning. preparation and conduct of game activities, classes and routine moments was always at hand.

Music in the lives of children (pedagogical piggy bank) Video It has long been known that music is the nutrition of the brain. Music captures forms of being, forms of existence, forms of harmony. All these forms.

GCD “Moneybox of Values” Topic: “Moneybox of Values” (together with parents) Objectives: 1. Summarize children’s ideas about collecting; Continue to develop.


“Street of Good Deeds” for middle school children

Elena Melnikova

“Street of Good Deeds” for middle school children

Good Deeds ” is presented in the form of houses in the windows of which a bright yellow light lights up if a child (whose name is indicated on the window)

did one or more
good deeds . If the child behaved indifferently, broke the rules, etc., his window remains gray. It is advisable to spend every afternoon with children “lighting lights” in the windows. Joint discussion of children’s contributes to the development of moral qualities, the development of the child’s speech, the desire to be kind and attentive , the formation of responsibility, and goodwill .
When a child meets his parents in the evening, he proudly remembers and tells what good he did today! Lesson notes for the middle group “What is it like, street?” Lesson notes for the middle group “What is it like, street?” Topic: Exploring the street. Key words: street, house, order of houses, street name, number.

Summary of direct educational activities “Street of our city” for children of the senior group Goal: Creation of a collective application “Street of our city”. Objectives: • introduce children to the sights of our city; • expand.

What you need for drawing

The table lists the tools needed for drawing.

Required ToolsPurpose
Simple pencilNeeded to create a sketch, a tool marked TM is suitable.
EraserRequired to remove auxiliary lines.
SharpenerIt is advisable to purchase a sharpener with a container in which waste will be collected.
RulerUseful for drawing straight lines.
Artistic brushesYou should have a large set at hand, containing tools of different sizes and degrees of rigidity.
Container with waterNeeded for washing brushes.

You can use any materials to color pictures:

  • gouache;
  • watercolor;
  • colour pencils;
  • markers;
  • wax crayons;
  • gel or ballpoint colored pens.

You can draw with pencils on any white paper with a density of at least 80 g/m². For pictures that will be painted with paints, you need to choose thicker paper (from 100 g/m² to 200 g/m²). You can use landscape sheets, drawing paper, as well as special sheets for watercolors, which have a rough surface and perfectly absorb excess moisture.

Drawing for children in 2nd grade, option No. 1

Feeding birds experiencing severe winter frosts is a good deed. It is difficult for them to find food under the snow, so people make feeders and treat the birds with grain or bread crumbs. The picture shows the feeding process.

To work, you will need a set of colored pencils (at least 12 colors), as well as a black felt-tip pen.

How to draw:

  • Place a sheet of A4 paper vertically on the table.
  • Using a simple pencil, on the left side of the sheet, draw a tree trunk.
  • Draw the branches.
  • Draw a person on the right side of the sheet. This picture shows a girl. First you need to draw an oval head.
  • Use lines to outline the position of the torso, arms and legs.
  • Draw a hat with a large pompom on the head.
  • Draw in the eye and eyebrow.

Drawing “Good deeds”

  • Draw the nose and lips.
  • Draw a large hood with fur.
  • Add wide sleeves and draw the shape of the jacket. Draw a pocket on the side.
  • Draw pants and felt boots.
  • Use an eraser to erase extra lines.
  • Draw a mitten on the left hand, and fingers on the right hand.
  • In the hand that is wearing a mitten, draw a bag of food.
  • Draw a feeder on the tree.

  • Draw several flying birds between the branches.
  • On the branches, draw lard or bread tied to ropes.
  • All that remains is to color the picture. Paint the snowdrifts blue.
  • Color the girl's clothes in pink and purple colors.
  • Birds can be painted so that they differ in appearance. Let some of them be sparrows (color with a brown pencil), and others - tits (color the backs with gray, and the breasts with yellow or light green pencil).
  • Paint the feeder brown and yellow. Paint the food in the bag.

Use a felt-tip pen to trace the outline of the picture. Draw lines on the tree trunk that will imitate spots on birch bark. Select the girl's eyelashes.

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